About Us
The West Dominica Children’s Federation (West Fed) is a non-government organization working on behalf of children in 50 communities on the west coast of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Our aim is to build
peaceful communities where children and youth can live in a clean, safe and drug free community. We serve children and families by implementing programs that target the following five priority issues: Alcohol & Drugs, Sexual Abuse, Unemployment, Climate Change Adaptation and Empowerment of Women and
Create an economically vibrant community by building partnerships across all sectors of the community for the good of the children
Children and youth will reside in a caring and peaceful environment that promotes effective partnerships to ensure that they live in communities that are passionate about community empowerment.
● Increase child and youth access to nurturing and stimulating experiences conductive to healthy growth and development
● Ensure child and youth have access to and complete basic good quality education
● Enable meaningful youth participation in policies and programs that affect and can benefit their lives

CFLI Water Project
It is critical that children are protected from serious and harmful diseases, especially during this …

Australia Direct AID Project
The West Dominica Children’s Federation and The Australian Aid….

Empowered Girls DA
We strive to educate & empower women and girls in Dominica. we need to work towards it more…

The Maria Holder Memorial Trust
We are so proud of our sustainable livelihoods project funded by The Maria Holder Memorial Trust and in collaboration with the NDFD…

WDCF / UNDP GEF Small Grants Project
We are so proud of our sustainable livelihoods project funded by The Maria Holder Memorial Trust and in collaboration with the NDFD….
Past Programs & Projects
The work of the West Dominica Children’s Federation has at its core five prioritized issues towards which programs and spending within the federation is focused. There are: Alcohol & Drugs, Sexual Abuse, Unemployment, Teenage Pregnancy, and Violence.
Our programs target three life stages: : 0-5, 6-14 and 15-24 and aim to build communities that are more peaceful with a harmonious interaction of families who value quality health and education and thrive on sustainable livelihoods.

Tiny Hands, Great Minds
Our goal is to increase the access of infants and young children to nurturing and stimulating experience that are conductive to health growth and development…

Let Children be Children
Access to and completion of a high-quality basic education honours a child’s right to realize their full potential with a solid educational foundation….

Youth Leads
By protecting the rights of youth and developing the leadership skills and values, they can break intergenerational patterns of poverty, abuse, exploitation and violence.